The Importance of Personalized Estate Planning: Be Cautious of Online Platforms

Estate planning is one of the most important steps you can take to protect your family and your future. A well-prepared plan ensures your assets go to the right people, avoids unnecessary legal complications, and provides peace of mind. Many people turn to online platforms for convenience, assuming a simple form will...

The Importance of Personalized Estate Planning: Be Cautious of Online Platforms Continue reading…

Navigating the Complexities of Estate Planning for Blended Families

Blended families bring love and connection, but planning for the future can raise difficult questions. You may want to support your spouse while ensuring children from a previous marriage receive their rightful inheritance. Without clear instructions, state laws could distribute your assets in ways you never intended. Family relationships and financial concerns...

Navigating the Complexities of Estate Planning for Blended Families Continue reading…
Health insurance form with stethoscope. Blank medical questionnaire. Health insurance concept.

Choosing Your Healthcare Proxy: Selecting the Right Person to Make Decisions

A healthcare proxy is a document that allows an individual to designate someone else to make medical decisions on their behalf in the event they are unable to do so for themselves. Together with other instruments like a living will (a/k/a advance directive) the healthcare proxy helps individuals preserve their medical autonomy...

Choosing Your Healthcare Proxy: Selecting the Right Person to Make Decisions Continue reading…
Financial advisor explaining paperwork to elderly retired couple front of desk

How to Be Appointed as Personal Representative of an Estate

The executor of an estate, known in Massachusetts as a personal representative, helps manage the estate of the deceased individual (the decedent). Becoming the personal representative is a significant but rewarding duty that allows an individual, often a surviving family member, to help carry out the decedent’s final wishes. It all begins...

How to Be Appointed as Personal Representative of an Estate Continue reading…
living will with pills and eyeglasses on wooden table

Living Wills vs. Durable Powers of Attorney: Understanding the Differences

Most estate planning begins with a last will and testament, but this is only one of several instruments you will need. Two other essential documents are the living will and durable power of attorney. Both of these documents broadly concern situations in which a person is incapacitated. However, it’s important to understand...

Living Wills vs. Durable Powers of Attorney: Understanding the Differences Continue reading…