How Do I Find a Good Real Estate Lawyer?
Whether you are a buyer or a seller, having a good real estate lawyer is essential. Sellers need to ensure they are abiding by disclosure and other requirements while buyers need their interests protected at all stages, from the initial inspection to the closing. There are many things that could...
What Must Sellers Disclose About a Property’s Condition?
Purchasing real property is not without risks, which is why the phrase “caveat emptor” (Latin for "Let the buyer beware") is still in popular usage today. Despite this, the law does impose a few minimum disclosure requirements on sellers to ensure the transaction is not unusually unfair. Whether you are the seller...
Common Sources of Conflict in Cooperative and Condominium Associations
Cooperative (co-op) and condominium associations are established to improve community life for all residents. But like any governing authority, there can be disagreements between those in charge and those who are subject to the rules and decisions. Conflicts may erupt over co-op and condo association policies, enforcement, and spending. Sometimes these disputes...
Selling a House During the Probate Process
When a loved one passes away, life changes dramatically for those who are left behind to grieve. An added challenge is ensuring that the estate is properly settled during the probate process. Selling the decedent’s house or other real property may be a necessary step to ensure that estate assets are properly...
Is Probate Still Required If There Is a Surviving Spouse?
Probate is a court-supervised process that is required to settle many estates and ensure that creditors and heirs receive what is owed to them. However, probate does take time and can be expensive. Many individuals wonder if the process is required in a situation where one spouse survives the other’s passing....
Does Divorce Affect Retirement Benefits?
One of the most important steps that divorcing couples must take is to divide their marital property. While marital property includes many tangible items like real estate, it also includes intangible assets like retirement benefits that are subject to an equitable distribution. Understanding the impact of divorce, and how to protect...
The Elective Share: How Much Does the Spouse Get?
When it comes to estate planning, many people are surprised to learn that a spouse can’t be entirely disinherited under Massachusetts law. Whether you're the surviving spouse concerned about your rights or someone looking to limit your spouse's inheritance, it's important to understand the concept of the elective share. This legal...
Common Financial Mistakes to Avoid in a Divorce
Divorce brings major upheaval in the lives of both spouses, no matter how simple or amicable it is. The decisions that the husband or wife make during the divorce process could affect their well-being for years into the future. This is especially the case with respect to financial matters. If a...
Essential Steps for a Smooth and Cost-effective Uncontested Divorce
Spouses who are able to agree on the issues arising out of the end of their marriage may be able to obtain an uncontested divorce. The path from separating and announcing one’s intent to divorce, to actually obtaining the divorce itself, is fraught with potential legal hurdles. But there are steps...
Can I Bring My Sibling to the US?
American citizens often express interest in bringing their non-citizen brothers and sisters to the United States. It is possible to help your sibling acquire permanent residency status, which opens the door to full citizenship later. However, the process often takes years and there are a number of steps that have to be...